Letters to the Chief Scientist
August 2020 — we asked for a meeting with the Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel.
See our letter to the Chief Scientist here
We have been notified that Dr Finkel is unable to meet up at this time but the Office of Chief the Scientist has referred us to many women working with government advisory bodies in relation to energy and emissions reduction (see Dr Finkel's response here). We are following up the leads and have also sent a second email to Dr Finkel giving some further rationale for our meeting request.
Meeting with Neville Power (Chair, National COVID-19 Coordination Commission)
On 25 June 2020, WCC members, Janet Salisbury, Kirsten Anker and Barbara Baikie, met with Neville Power.
We discussed the sorts of things we might talk about with participants at our two Zoom meetings on 23 June 2020.
Based in part on this input, we sent a brief to Mr Power's office to frame our meeting with him. We raised 3 main issues:
Representation of women (Value of diversity)
Transition to renewable energy (Nurture of life)
Community engagement (Bringing people together)
Read our full brief here
Mr Power entered into a frank discussion on all the topics.
Read a summary of the meeting here
Overall, we felt that we shared a level of common ground, as well as some points of difference/uncertainty. There were many more questions that we would have liked to ask, particularly around the areas that cause most public concern (eg use of gas). Nevertheless, the ability to discuss these issues in person brought hope that creating safe spaces to develop and extend such interactions, could open up our public discourse to overcome currently polarised roadblocks. It will not be an easy path but we have made a start.
Mr Power invited us to send further information on any of the issues raised (see our summary report above for further information).
We particularly encourage those of you in our networks who are familiar with projects for renewable energy storage (eg battery storage), which are investment ready, to contact the NCCC with the details.
Read our follow up paper on women's representation
Read our follow up paper on bringing people together